Radical Innovation Extends Deadline

Radical Innovation has extended its deadline to April 30 to invite applicants to submit innovative designs and concepts to its annual awards for a chance to win up to $10,000.

Radical Innovation believes design has the power to change how we experience hospitality for the better in the climate we currently live in. Radical Innovation encourages submissions to include innovations in health and wellness as they relate to hospitality design or products, and that will see the industry thrive in ways we never thought possible in the near future.

To alleviate constraints, pricing for professionals will be discounted from $250 to $150. Submission fees will be waived for professionals and others who are experiencing further financial difficulties or are currently furloughed/without a company affiliate at this time. Student submissions remain free.

Radical Innovation invites applicants to stay connected for continued updates on award entries, and the status of its finalist announcement in early summer. Radical Innovation and The Hardy Group welcome any questions or concerns from the Radical community and beyond.