How Bed Bug Prevention Complements Conventional Pest Control Treatments

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Bed bugs are small, nocturnal creatures that feed on our blood while we sleep. They often arrive in hotel rooms by “hitchhiking,” or finding their way into luggage, clothes and even furniture, and spreading throughout the premises. Unfortunately, hotels present a perfect environment for these pests to thrive, as they can easily spread from room to room. To combat bed bugs, many hotels use chemical treatments as part of their pest control provider’s overall treatment strategy.

Chemical treatments are used to combat bed bugs for multiple reasons. One reason is out of necessity. While heat is more effective, it is not always feasible due to a hotel’s configuration. When applying a pesticide, your pest control provider follows the instructions on the manufacturer’s label. If the instructions are not followed correctly, tragedies can unfortunately occur. A British couple recently died in their hotel rooms at a resort in Egypt due to the misapplication of a pesticide spray in an adjoining room, as reported in this article from CNN.  The bottom line is that pesticides, when used judiciously and with appropriate caution, can be utilized when sufficient care is applied.

Remember, chemical pest control treatments are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to combating bed bugs. It’s crucial to combine these treatments with preventive measures. Your prevention plan should include informal inspections performed by your housekeeping staff during every room turnover. More formal inspections conducted by your pest control provider, or a specialized bed bug-detecting canine team, should occur periodically.

When treating for bed bugs, your pest management professional must address the area they are most likely to be.  This is the bed, or more specifically, the box spring, where these pests prefer to congregate! Installation of an active mattress liner on the box spring is recommended to address this critical hiding place for bed bugs.  ActiveGuard® Mattress Liners are the lead bed bug preventive bed covering available in the United States. They provide protection for up to two years before needing replacement, which means fewer disruptions for guests and less time and money spent by your establishment on constant treatments. These mattress liners are the perfect tool to prevent bed bugs from re-emerging after a pest control treatment. Fewer visits from your pest control provider to address these reappearances equals less chemical application in your guest rooms.

Bed bugs can be a nightmare for hotels and their guests, but the installation of ActiveGuard makes the battle against these pests far more manageable. Hotels can reduce their legal liability, enhance guest satisfaction, and maintain their reputation for providing safe, healthy, and comfortable stays by embracing this innovative solution.  Click here to learn more.